Eagle Projects

Year Eagle Scout Beneficiary Project Details
2024 Owen Cavera EGRPS Music Department middle school orchestra cello racks

Will Hillary City of EGR / WMMBA changing station

2023 Ethan Bishop

Simon Dienes Kent County Parks Dept; Millennium Park fishing line recycle bins

Max Fetchner Grand Rapids Children's Museum educational dental kits

Jacob Maison Baxter Community Center compost bin, soil boxes

Luke Pouillon turtle boxes

2022 Tony Caputo Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit renovated/updated playground

Colin Carlson Shawnee Park CRC lawn games  and activities                                

Jackson Deane Mayflower Church gaga ball pit for youth

Corbin DeVilbiss YWCA storage shelves, changing table

Christien Fanta EGR Parks and Rec duck boxes in Waterfront park

Gabriel Hillary Bethany Christian Services gaga ball bit

Andrew Keil Whistle Stop water table and abacus for playground

Aidan Santiago City of EGR

  Josh Santiago       Izaak Walton League       duck boxes

2021 Regan Cleves Catholic Central HS band room shelving

Eric Rhein CARE Conservatory of Ballet shelving for tutus

Cameron Stong Holy Spirit Church rebuild stairs and railing

2019 Ben Bridge Aquinas College Stations of the Cross

Jay Carlson Calvin university Ecosystem Preserve area cleanup, plant stand

Spencer Morgan Whistle Stop toy boxes

Christopher O'Brien Blandford Nature Center rebuild picnic tables

2018 Andrew Crowley St Stephen School custom bookshelves

Ethan Dedenbach Whistle Stop / Dominican Sisters Little Free Library

Dan DeLano Whistle Stop portable pantry shelving units

Adam Francis City of EGR tree planting conservation

Benjamin Sykes Humane Society benches

2017 Parker Erickson Mayflower Church playground

Benjamin Keil City of EGR Manhattan Park trail cleanup 

Samuel VanderVeen EGRPS Theatre Department

2016 Alexander Adams Kent County Head Start locker, benches, mobile planter boxes

Noah Cavera St Paul Catholic Church garden courtyard

Anthony Hoffman Blandford Nature Center bridge

Carl Simmons Belknap Ice Arena repaint storage area

2015 Maxwell Adams South Godwin Preschool garden bed, boxes, benches

Benjamin Kuras Comprehensive Therapy Center summer camp therapy equipment

Mathew O'Brien Blandford Nature Center access ramp and overlook

Matthew Powell Versluis Park refurbish/erosion barrier fence

Sam Thorpe Stepping Stones Montessori School outdoor playground music wall

Thomas Van Liere Salvation Army Croc Center boardwalk

2014 Maxwell Gale St Stephen Catholic Church WWII memorial improvements

Brian Hayward Blandford Nature Center information kiosk

Dylan Sykes St Thomas the Apostle School renovate/build library bookshelves

Kees Van Liere Riverside Park canoe racks

2013 Andrew Cavera Ronald McDonald House refurbish deck, playhouse

2012 Ryan Pelak Blandford Nature Center vegetable garden picket fence

David VanderZee Camp Blodgett bat houses

2011 Jacob Baxter St Thomas the Apostle School benches, landscape improvements

Kevin Gotch Potter's House Elementary School bookshelves

Matthew Nortier St Thomas the Apostle School classroom cubbies

2010 Joseph Monticello Grand Ridge Town Home Association access trail

Tyler Sykes St Thomas the Apostle School benches, storage shed trellis

2009 Brandon Cook Crestwood Hills Neighborhood nature trail

John Mirandette St Thomas the Apostle School habitat deck

Norman Pelak III Blandford Nature Center trail markers

Peter Simmons YWCA Women's Crisis Center storage units

Eric VanDiepenbos GR Home for Veterans potting benches w/shelves and storage

2008 Kyle Baldwin Camp Blodgett composting program

Phillip Bonofiglo Degege Ministries food drive

James Stultz Chandler Woods Charter Academy school building landscaping

Peter Stultz City of EGR flag collection retirement

2007 Garrett Bonofiglo Kent County Humane Society trail improvement

Tyler Gotch Hamilton Elementary School reading loft

Patrick Mangan VFW Hall 3023 retaining wall

Zachary Stiemann Wildlife Rehab Center habitat cages